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Chloe Tam

Royal College of Art   |   2021-2024  |   Architecture Rendering, Animation & Model-Making


3D-Modelling: Rhinoceros & Grasshopper

Rendering:Lumion, Enscape & TwinMotion

Editing: Adobe Creative Suite (PS, Ai, Id, Lr, Pr, Ae)

Musicking Impermanence

Sea Burial Architecture   | 2022-2023 |   RCA ADS 12

The project takes the Cantonese ‘Ballad of Sighs’ 嘆歌 as an entry point, to explore the maritime history of Hong Kong through the lens of a nomadic group of fishermen. From Sampan, shipyard factories, to typhoon shelters; I seek ways to connect, revisit and reactivate pieces of the fading history and culture of the city.


I explore sea burial as a more environmentally-conscious alternative to traditional burial methods, as well as a way of honouring the natural cycles of life and death, where all living things eventually return to nature. The ritual walk through the architecture gathers a community of listeners, whose togetherness provides a space of mourning, remembrance and healing.

*Sound on for better experience*

‘From Homo Sapiens to Homo Ludens: The Umwelt of Play'

Desktop Performance   | 2021 |   RCA ADS0

The Desktop Performance is a collection of theories, drawings, art installation and architectural spaces that serves as the research basis of the project.

Part I: Homo Ludens
"We are Homo Ludens (Those who play). From the moment we enter this world, we instinctively invent ways to have "fun," and share our inventions with those around us. "Playing" is not simply a pastime, it is the primordial basis of imagination and creation."- Hideo Konima


Part II: Constant’s New Babylon & Archigram’s Instant City
"New Babylon is not a model that should be imitated, but rather an illustration of a way of life in a hypothesized society. This way of life is nomadic in principle. People travel the world leaving tracks that can form a network. A city as a network. New Babylon is a nomadic city. Nothing is fixed.”- Constant Nieuwenhuys

Part III: Ant Farm’s Inflatables & Neto’s Sensual Body
“For me, mind and body are one thing, always together. I believe in the sensual body, and it is through the movement of such body-minds that we connect things in this world, in life-the way we touch, the way we feel, the way we think and the wav we deal.” - Ernesto Neto

Part IV: Reversible Destiny
"Why do people walk on two legs, look at children, they naturally start walking on all fours using their hands when they find unstable areas, the space encourages their body to do so. It is our common sense that gets in the way of listening to the inner voice that comes from your body again." - Arakawa & Madeline Gins

Part V: Different forms of Play
“Were Humans born to Play? Born to have fun? When I hear the children's voices of playing, my body starts to move too...”

Umwelt of Play

2-channel installative performance  |  2021 |  RCA ADS0

The umwelt of ‘Game’ vs. ‘Play’ serves as a conceptual framework for the transformation. ‘Game’ embodies the ideas of codes and rules and represents risk-mitigation and orders in governance. ‘Play,’ on the other hand, embodies the idea of freedom and ambiguity. It encourages imagination, liberation, and unscripted behaviour.

*Sound on for better experience*

Umwelt of Play

Redevelopment of Stadium   |   2021-2022  |   RCA ADS0

The project proposes a spatial and programmatic strategy for the transformation of a large-scale mono-functional stadium into a multi-generational playscape in Hong Kong. The umwelt of ‘Game’ vs. ‘Play’ serves as a conceptual framework for the transformation. ‘Game’ embodies the ideas of codes and rules and represents risk-mitigation and orders in governance; ‘Play,’ on the other hand, embodies the idea of freedom and ambiguity. It encourages imagination, liberation, and unscripted behavior.

Sealed Aura

Projective Installation   | 2024 |  Published on Broken Englizh's Open Call on 'Breath'

Sealed Aura (2024) depicts a dream where what washes up on the shore is bottled air, permeating scattered, distorted memories of one’s poetic homeland—blue miscanthus, a mosaic harbour. The dream walker can’t help but fixate on the kaleidoscopic bottle, despite the desire to open it and inhale the familiar air inside, knowing that the aura will soon dissipate. The beauty of good things is always fragile.

Transcending its own story, Sealed Aura is dedicated to all the incredibly courageous individuals who, against all odds, continue to breathe life into their meaningful stories, navigating challenges in every corner of the world.


*Click here for the published full story*​

*Sound on for better experience*

Digital Illustration


  • Umwelt of Play | 2021 | MA Year 1 Studio Project

  • Play like a Child | 2020 | Competition

  • Koibito Series | 2018 | Freelance

  • Fishermen of Hamahiga Island | 2017 | Tropicality: AA Visiting School

  • Flux in Malaga | 2017 | Year 4 Fall Semester Studio Project 

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